Who's responsible for the economic crisis?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tone Deaf White House

I mentioned in an earlier "blog" that I was and am a registered democrat, a lifelong democrat in fact. I voted for Mr. Obama and was caught up in the wave of hopeful fervor that swept across the nation from November 2008 through much of last spring. The success of healthcare--the fact that the White House kept working the process through many arduous months, refusing to give up despite national opposition--was another plus for Obama in my view and in my eyes.

But I've always felt that his coolish demeanor and the overarching intellect of his advisory circle members created a cone of insularity that prevented he and his advisors from understanding the issues and problems of everyday America. His economic policies have always shown a favoritism towards corporate interests despite expressions to the contrary. His choices for top economic positions have demonstrated an affinity for the politically well-connected and well-heeled. True economic progressives have been exiled to government siberias where the positions they take have no chance of being recognized much less made part of federal policy.

His advisors proved their worth to him in keeping out of the White House the truth and pain of the Gulf Coast tragedy these past few weeks. They also revealed an unfortunate provincialism, a rearing of hidden north-south animosities or, more to the point, northern liberal ivy league arrogance vs. southern working class ethics. Even if that wasn't the intended consequence, and you'd have to be politically stupid beyond all reason to knowingly push these kinds of agendas, that is how it will be perceived.

If anything could have lost the American South for the democrats in upcoming elections, the uncalculated, passive White House response to the Gulf oil disaster would be it. It won't be an obvious factor. And yet, while republican strategists sharpen their knives, democrats will be preparing the "drill, baby, drill" ads. When the dust settles, however, and democrats scratch their heads, many standing along the edges will remember the moment in President Obama's recent press conference when he said that his detractors--many of whom were salty and salt of the earth southern democrats--didn't understand if they chose to criticize the federal response.

This is just the kind of attitude that is sowing the seeds for the demise of the Obama presidency. It's looking less and less, each passing week, like Mr. Obama and his tight circle of highly educated advisors are cognizant enough to figure out where and why they've gotten it so completely wrong: the pulse of the American electorate, that is.

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